RSL1000X High-Speed Long Travel Stage

RSL1000X High-Speed Long Travel Stage

The RSL1000X high-speed long travel stage was developed for a new customer to replace a linear stage in an application that was not meeting their desired performance criteria.  At 1299mm in total length and 185mm in width, the RSL1000X has 1000mm of travel and utilizes a direct drive with linear motors and ultra-precision linear guide rails.  It is well suited for applications requiring accelerations up to 2.6g and/or velocity up to 3.3m/s.  There is also easy integration with an optional Z axis (pictured).

Travel 1000 mm
Drive Type Linear Motors
Peak Force 420 N
Continuous Force 240 N
Encoder Resolution 1.0 µm
Linear Accuracy ±10.0 µm
Bi-Directional Repeatability ±5.0 µm
Flatness of Travel ±10.0 µm/500 mm
Straightness of Travel ±20.0 µm/500 mm
Orthogonality 10 arcsec
Max Velocity 3.3 m/s
Max Acceleration 26 m/s²
Capabilities! Capabilities!

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Reliant Systems, Inc. is a vertically integrated designer and manufacturer of high precision linear and rotary positioning stages. We specialize in custom, easy to integrate OEM motion assemblies that have been designed for a customer's specific application.